Early-Bird Registration Now Open The International Churchill Society is pleased to invite you to purchase tickets for the 42nd Annual International Churchill Conference, which will...
2025 Churchill Conference in Washington, D.C. The Forty-second conference of the International Churchill Society (ICS) will take place this year from October 9th through the 11th. ...
ICS Announces New Chairman and Executive Director The Board of Directors of the International Churchill Society (ICS) is pleased to announce that it has elected Jean-Paul Montupet ...
Laurence Geller CBE has been chairman of the International Churchill Society (ICS) for more than two decades. At the end of 2023, he will be stepping down. ICS Executive Director [...
Finest Hour 201, First Quarter 2023 Page 50 To commemorate Russian victory in the Battle of Stalingrad (see article in FH 200), the British government had forged a ceremonial longs...
Churchill, Montgomery, and the Political Battle of El Alamein Finest Hour 200, Fourth Quarter 2022 Page 20 By Nigel Hamilton Nigel Hamilton is author of Monty: The Making of a [&he...
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