Chartwell, Westerham, Kent
Chartwell was Churchill’s house in Kent, which is now preserved as a historic property by the National Trust, and is consistently one of their most visited houses. At Chartwell, you get insights into his character and family life. This was the place into which he put so much of his time, energy and love; from the walls, to lakes and the house, to his books and paintings, so much of Chartwell was created by him. Each aspect of Chartwell is important and reveals different parts of Churchill’s character and his life.
Chartwell houses the largest collection of Churchill’s paintings, a wonderful array of Churchillian artefacts, gifts from around the world and family treasures. Visitors can explore the house, his painting studio and enjoy the landscaped hillside garden with the breath taking views that inspired Churchill to buy the house. Our team of expert volunteers help bring Chartwell’s stories alive to visitors all year round.
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