Coming in Finest Hour 197: Churchill and Northern Ireland
LONDON—4 July 1922, My dear Shuckburgh, It seems to me that the time has come when I can fairly offer my resignation from the Middle East Department. You will remember that I was an emergency appointment, made because Mr. Churchill meant to introduce changes in our policy, and because he thought my help would be useful during the expected stormy period.
Well, that was eighteen months ago; but since we “changed direction,” we have not, I think, a British casualty in Palestine or Arabia or the Arab provinces of Irak….
So if Mr. Churchill permits, I shall be very glad to leave so prosperous a ship. I need hardly say that I’m always at his disposal if ever there is a crisis, or any job, small or big, for which he can convince me that I am necessary.
—T. E. Lawrence
LONDON—14 July 1922, I very much regret your decision to quit our small group at the Middle East Department of the Colonial Office. Your help in all matters and guidance in many has been invaluable to me and to your colleagues. I should have been glad if you had stayed with us longer. I hope you are not unduly sanguine in your belief that our difficulties are largely surmounted. Still, I know I can count upon you at any time that a need arises, and in the meanwhile I am glad to know that you will accept at least the honorary position of Adviser on Arabian Affairs.
—Winston S. Churchill
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