Winston Churchill, Parliament Square, London © Sue Lowry & Magellan PR
Page 31
By Curt Zoller
A remarkable number of books about Churchill, not counting his own, have appeared in Dutch. The numbers herein are from Curt Zoller’s Annotated Bibliography of Works about Sir Winston Churchill (Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe, 2004). All texts are in Dutch. Omitted are Dutch translations of works first published in other languages. Churchill’s 1946 visit to Holland was covered by four individual works.
A109. Unknown, Winston Spencer Churchill. Helmond: Boekdrukkerij “Helmond,” n.d. [1945], 128 pp., paperback.
Anonymous biography.
A112. A.B.M. Brans and E. Cancrinus, Winston Churchill bezoekt Nederland: 8 tot en met 13 Mei 1946. Leiden: A.W. Sythoff Publishers, 1946, 64 pp., illus., paperback.
The most complete book about Churchill’s 1946 visit, detailing each day, almost by the hour, of his five days in Holland. Written in the more formal style of the day, it refers always to “Mrs. Churchill” and “Miss Mary Churchill”—a good documentary which expressed the excitement of the Dutch people face to face with their hero.—JM
A113. Kees Hazelzet, Churchill: De Man die het niet opgaf. Wageningen: Zomer & Keuning’s Uitgeversmij, 1946, 64 pp., illus., hardbound.
Pocket-size book in paper-covered illustrated boards containing tributes following the Second World War.
A119. Unknown, Winston Churchill in ons Midden: Zijn Zegetocht Door ons Land 8-13 mei 1946. Amsterdam: Sheltens & Giltay, 1946, 16 pp., illus., softbound, horizontal format.
The most elaborate illustrated documentary of Churchill’s visit to the Netherlands, landscape format and profusely illustrated with photographs, bound in decorated paper wrappers.
Unlisted. “Patricam,” De Zegetocht van Churchill Haarlem: Boom-Ruygrok N.V., 1946, 36 pp., illus., softbound.
A well-illustrated booklet documenting the Churchill visit.
A143. Pierre Hubert Dubois, Winston Churchill. Baarn: Hollandia, 1952, 70 pp.
A condensed biography.
A146. Cor. Versteeg, Churchill. Horn, Netherlands: V. M. West-Friesland, n.d. [1952].
A short biography.
A192. Gust De Muynck & John Connell, Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill: Redevoeringen, 1938-1945. Gravenhage: Heideland-Hasselt, 1958.
An annotated compilation of Churchill’s 1938-45 speeches.
New. Harry van Wijnen, ‘Blood Sweat and Tears’: Churchills onwrikbare geloof in de overwinning [Churchill’s Unshakable Faith in Victory]. Amsterdam: Balans Publishers, 2013.
A new and well written, generally positive biography by a Dutch journalist, reviewed by Jack Mens, page 47.
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