June 30, 2019

Research and Travel Grants Now Available

The George Washington University is pleased to announce the generous gift of $80,000 to The National Churchill Library and Center at GW Libraries and Academic Innovation. This funding will enable and support much-needed research activities focused on topics of relevance to Winston Churchill’s example of global leadership. Preference will be given to projects that emphasize the relevance of Churchill’s leadership to current affairs.

The overall program has been designated as the National Churchill Library and Center Research Fellows Program. The awardees will be the National Churchill Library and Center Undergraduate/Graduate Research Fellows.

UNDERGRADUATES: $25,000 will be awarded to GW undergraduate student researchers and faculty who work with them on these topics. This funding will enable faculty-student mentorships to foster advanced study of Churchill’s leadership and how it applies to the present. Awards will range from $500–$2500 depending on the needs of the project. For more information, please CLICK HERE.

2025 International Churchill Conference Washington, DC

2025 International Churchill Conference

Join us for the 42nd International Churchill Conference. Washington, DC | October 9-11, 2025
2025 International Churchill Conference

GRADUATES: The additional $55,000 will be awarded to graduate students as travel grants. Students pursuing graduate level studies at the George Washington University, or any other institution of higher education, and interested in doing primary research on the relevant subjects related to Churchill will be eligible to apply for these travel awards. Grants will enable recipients to travel to special collections and archives around the globe in support of their research. Applications will be reviewed by a committee of staff and faculty, who will be offered small honoraria (up to $500 each) for their participation. This provides $7,500 awards for short-term research projects focused on topics of relevance to Winston Churchill’s example of global leadership. For more information, please CLICK HERE.

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