June 3, 2019

Churchill & Roosevelt’s Decision Making Traced


The largest amphibious invasion in history had a long gestation. Planning for the successful operation, which took place seventy-five years ago this month, essentially started four years before it was launched. That is the starting point for the latest addition to our Finest Hour Extras feature on the International Churchill Society website.

According to authors Edward E. Gordon and David Ramsay, “D-Day’s seeds were first planted on Dunkirk’s beaches. Almost from the day in 1940 when the British and French forces were evacuated from France, the British began to consider where, when, and how they would return to free northwestern Europe from Nazi occupation. Much of this speculation was premature. Only when the United States dropped its neutrality would the combined manpower and firepower of Britain and America be available to guarantee the success of such a massive amphibious invasion of northwestern Europe. However it still remained very difficult for the Allies to decide on when and where to launch this invasion.”

Prime Minister Winston Churchill and President Franklin Roosevelt had to work very closely over a period of more than two years to reach the final decision. To read the full story, please CLICK HERE.

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