June 3, 2019

Churchill’s Pets on Agenda for 2019 Conference in Washington

Historian Piers Brendon, a former Keeper of the Churchill Archives Centre and author of the acclaimed Churchill’s Bestiary, will speak about Winston Churchill’s well-known affinity for the animal kingdom at the 36th International Churchill Conference, which will take place in Washington, D.C. at the Georgetown Marriott October 29–31. To register, please CLICK HERE.

In addition to looking at Churchill’s animals, we will learn about some of Churchill’s people—his secretaries that is. Cita Stelzer, author of the newly published Working with Winston, will talk about the unsung women behind Britain’s greatest statesmen before, during, and after the war.

This fall will mark the thirtieth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Appropriately the theme of this year’s conference will be “Churchill: Masters of Our Fate.” Klaus Larres, author of Churchill’s Cold War and Professor of History at the University of North Carolina, will speak about Churchill’s unique role in the origins of the Cold War.

In addition to the many interesting speakers and events, there will be an exclusive display provided by the Churchill Book Collector of San Diego, which specializes in fine and rare editions of books and periodicals by Winston Churchill. Proprietor Marc Kuritz will have a selection of inventory available for purchase.

2024 International Churchill Conference

Join us for the 41st International Churchill Conference. London | October 2024

More program details will be posted during the coming months. We look forward to seeing you in Washington this fall!

To register, please CLICK HERE.

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