Churchill Book Collector Debuts New Site
The Churchill Book Collector, profiled here last September, has now launched its own website. The Churchill Book Collector is operated by Marc Kuritz of San Diego, California and Paul Shelley of Edmonton, Alberta. They are friends and supporters of The Churchill Centre. To visit the new website, please CLICK HERE.
Marc was first introduced to Churchill as an undergraduate in Washington D.C. during a discussion about leadership qualities with a college professor. Marc recalls: “I was studying and embarking upon a career in politics and was already a lifelong bibliophile. Churchill was a complex icon of political leadership who, whenever he wasn’t busy trying to lead the free world, spent his life writing a veritable library of books. could not have made a better connection than my professor did.” Years later after accumulating a dearth of knowledge and a lot of books and leaving a career in politics, Marc became a book dealer.
Paul also came to Churchill via a recommendation. He first became interested in Churchill when his father loaned him a Bantam paperback set of A History of the English-Speaking Peoples for a road trip he was taking with friends. “The fact that I actually took the books with me and read them on the trip tells you why I pretty much had to become a Churchill specialist.”
When Marc and Paul met via a sale, they decided to work together. Both maintain extensive personal collections, Marc’s focused primarily on fine first editions and Paul’s on the daunting completist goal of securing reference copies of every edition, printing, and state of published book-length works authored by Churchill, with a particular affinity for rare Canadian editions.
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