May 9, 2014

Listen to Audio Recordings of New Orleans Conference Speakers

NOLO-LogoThe Churchill Centre is pleased to make available free audio recordings of the presentations made at its recent 31st International Churchill Conference in New Orleans. The conference was held in conjunction with the National World War II Museum of the United States and was one of the most successful in recent history. 2014 marks the seventieth anniversary of the D-Day landings, and this subject was well covered at the event, where the theme was “Churchill: Fighting & Writing”. Listen to the recordings here

The recorded speakers include Nigel Hamilton, official biographer of Lord Montgomery, discussing a crucial meeting between the Field Marshal and Churchill shortly before the D-Day landings. Michael Shelden, author of Young Titan, discusses Churchill’s early career. Peter Clarke, author of Mr Churchill’s Profession, describes the statesman as author, and David Roll covers the career of Harry Hopkins and his role in forging the alliance to defeat Hitler.

In addition, there are several other talks.  All of them worth listening to for a first or second time.

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