June 1, 2013

185 Accomplished Recipients Receive Free Churchill Centre Membership

Study_historyChurchill’s InjunctionThe Churchill Centre is providing complimentary memberships to all 2012-13 new members of the National History Scholars Society in the United States. The NHSS, sponsored by the National History Club, recognizes high school history club members who maintain at least a 3.5 GPA in honors history classes, have participated in for two or more years with the school’s History Club and are recommended by a school advisor. The 185 members of this year’s class come from 47 high schools across 22 states.

Churchill Centre Executive Director Lee Pollock noted, that “these students are the best and brightest in American secondary education, and all of them are passionate about history. The Churchill Centre is pleased to extend to them the benefits of membership and welcomes them to the worldwide community of Churchillians.” The National History Club (www.national historyclub.org), headquarted in Somerville, MA, supports the development and growth of high school history clubs across the country with over 450 member clubs in 43 states, reaching some 13,000 students.

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