Young Adventurer: Winston Churchill & The 4th Hussars
Finest Hour # 159 focuses on Churchill’s early days as a soldier. Paul H. Courtney contributes the cover story about young Lt. Churchill and the regiment to which he belonged. Douglas S. Russel reviews the medals and decorations Churchill received during the Victorian and Edwardian eras. Hal Klepak evaluates Churchill’s experiences in Cuba, and Ronald I. Cohen introduces a rare article recording Churchills reflections on his role as war correspondant. Additionally, Ursula Corcoran provides insight into another aspect of Churchill’s military career with an article about Churchill, Woodstock and the Oxford Yeomenry Museum.
The summer 2013 edition of Finest Hour will also include full tributes to Churchill Centre Honorary Members Margaret Thatcher and Anthony Montague Browne who both passed away this spring. Finally, papers from the 29th Annual Churchill Centre Conference held last year in Toronto will start to be published in addition to the usual array of book reviews, queries and other unique insights that characterize the Centre’s quarterly print journal. To join the Churchill Centre and receive an annual subscription to Finest Hour, please CLICK HERE.
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