In Memoriam. We record with the regret the death of member Peter Robertson (Northampton).
WSC (Postponed) Birthday Reception, 8th February 2011. This very successful event was held at the St Stephen’s Club in London and was attended by some 90 members and their guests. The Hon Celia Sandys introduced Robert Hardy, who spoke most entertainingly on how he prepared for playing the role of WSC, and Sir Martin Gilbert, who gave an inimitable commentary on important events in the life of WSC which had taken place on 8th February in various years. Lady Soames responded to the toast to the heroic memory of Sir Winston.
Harrow School Visit, 16th April 2011. Allen Packwood and Bridget Warrington look forward to meeting many of you at the Annual Membership Meeting at Harrow on Saturday 16th April. The main focus will be on touring the School and re-living WSC’s adventurous youth, but after lunch there will be a chance to discuss the new structure of The Churchill Centre – UK, to agree the composition of the Membership Committee for the year, and to hear more about the exciting events planned for October.
28th International Churchill Conference – London, 27th-28th October 2011. Allen Packwood is just back from Charleston, South Carolina, where he attended the wonderfully successful 27th International Churchill Conference. He knows it will be a hard act to follow, but is building up a powerful programme of public figures, leading academics, witness seminars and special events. These are detailed in the accompanying flyer, which also includes particulars of “The Inaugural ‘Churchillian of the Year’ Dinner”, to be held on Wednesday 26th October, immediately prior to the Conference. It is possible to register by post or on-line for the Award Dinner and the Conference via “The Churchill Centre – UK, c/o Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge, CB3 0DS”; E-mail, [email protected]; Tel, 01223-336153. Please note that there is a special discount rate for members attending both the Award Dinner and the Conference (a built-in 20% discount for all members attending the Award Dinner and – until 1st July only – a further 10% discount for those UK members also attending the Conference). Register early and the cost of attending the Conference and the Conference Dinner (not to be confused with the Award Dinner) will be just £225, with attendance at the formal sessions at £180 for two days and £112.50 for one day. A 20% non-refundable deposit is required at the time of booking. Accommodation is not included, but can be booked directly with the London Marriott Grosvenor Square Hotel.
WSC Returns to Spain. Sir Winston has returned to Spain, where the Communidad de Madrid is hosting an exhibition on his life, entitled Winston Churchill y España: 1874-1965. Caminando con el Destino.
The exhibition was opened on 25th March by President Esperanza Aguirre of Madrid in the presence of Mr Jack Churchill; the display is at the Sala de Exposiciones in Madrid and runs until the beginning of June, featuring documents from the Churchill Archives Centre and artefacts from Chartwell. Surely a must for all Churchillians finding themselves anywhere near central Spain !
Churchill’s Finest Hour 1940-1945. To mark the 70th anniversary of WSC’s visit to Bristol after heavy German air raids on 12th May 1941, TCC-UK member Niels Bjerre (from Copenhagen) has created a new photo exhibition, to be opened by the Lord Mayor of Bristol on 3rd May. The exhibition, consisting of photographs and time-lines, also copies of original documents from the Churchill Archives Centre, will be open at Bristol Central Library from 4th May till 30th June.
Philately. Bletchley Park’s post office has released portraits of WSC as postage stamps. The Royal Mail first class stamps (in sheets of twenty) form a limited edition and feature WSC as a young man and as wartime leader. The issue price is £40 per sheet (which might soon rise to £150). Orders can be placed by calling 01908-272690 or by viewing .
Chartwell Branch. Congratulations to this new branch of TCC-UK which has recently been created due to local initiative; it now joins the two previously existing branches (Woodford & Epping and Northern). Members living nearby should contact Nigel Guest for details: 01883-717656 or [email protected] . Let this be a spur to encourage the creation of other local groups.
Dr Roberts. Congratulations to honorary member Andrew Roberts, who has recently qualified as PhD at his alma mater, Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge.
Are you up-to-date with your subs.? It would be enormously helpful if those members with subscriptions outstanding could settle them as quickly as possible by sending a cheque to Bridget Warrington (address in earlier paragraph), before she has to begin chasing you: the same applies to those, who despite several pleas, have still not raised their subscription rates to current levels.
Executive Director: 01223-336175 [email protected] Editor: 01264-889627 [email protected]
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