February 7, 2024

Harnessing the Past to Inspire the Future

The International Churchill Society NextGen group is the home for 25-45 year-old professionals who have a shared interest in history, politics, and business to engage with the Society and members of the Churchill family to celebrate Sir Winston’s extraordinary life and contribution to modern civilisation. ICS NextGen is guided and inspired by the Society’s purpose and mission statement.

We are a global community of young people united by the shared belief that the extraordinary life and legacy of Sir Winston Churchill should be remembered and honoured. We also believe that Sir Winston’s wide-ranging interests in politics, history, strategy, the arts, journalism, and public speaking all contain lessons relevant to the issues and challenges that leaders in these fields face today. Through the NextGen, we are inspired by Sir Winston’s courage to make a difference in our professions, communities and the world.

Members of ICS NextGen are inclusive and welcoming. Each member brings a diverse background of culture, perspectives, ideas and expertise. We are young leaders who strive to grow in all aspects of our lives, with a thirst for new experiences. We access rich programs detailing aspects of Sir Winston’s remarkable legacy, share exceptional experiences, learn from one another, support impactful causes, and make lasting friendships.

Our Goal: educate and inspire present and future generations to be outstanding leaders in their fields through the example of Sir Winston Churchill.

2025 International Churchill Conference Washington, DC

2025 International Churchill Conference

Join us for the 42nd International Churchill Conference. Washington, DC | October 9-11, 2025
2025 International Churchill Conference

George S Repard
Great-great-grandson of Sir Winston
NextGen UK Co-Chair

Matt McGrath
NextGen UK Co-Chair

Catherine Katz
NextGen North America Chair

Are you interested in joining us, or do you know someone who is? Please email us at [email protected]

Find Young Churchillians events on our Upcoming Events page.

A tribute, join us




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