HRH The Prince of Wales receives the Churchill Leadership Award from The Rt Hon Sir John Major KG CH
A special recognition of those who have notably contributed to the memory of Sir Winston, our understanding of his life, and/or the International Churchill Society.
1983 The Lady Soames and Sir John Colville
1984 Richard M. Langworth
1985 The Honorable Caspar W. Weinberger, Sir Martin and Lady Gilbert, Anthony Montague Browne, and Winston S. Churchill MP
1986 William Manchester
1987 Robert Hardy
1991 Lee Remick
1993 Merry Alberigi
1995 John G. Plumpton and Barbara F. Langworth
1996 Ashley Redburn, Grace Hamblin, and the Duke of Marlborough
1997 George A. Lewis
1998 David Boler and Ambassador Paul Robinson
1999 Jack and Ruth Darrah
2000 Derek Brownleader
2001 John H. Mather
2002 Celwyn Ball and Lorraine Horn
2004 Col. Nigel B. Knocker OB
2006 Charles D. Platt
2007 William C. Ives
2008 John Frost
2009 Suzanne Sigman
2011 Judy Kambestad
2011 Celia Sandys
2012 Randy Barber
2013 James W. Muller
2015 Anthony Woodhead CBE and Allen Packwood
2016 Sir David Cannadine
2017 Lord (Michael) Dobbs
Special recognition of those who have an outstanding record of service to the International Churchill Societies.
2016 Mr Christopher Hebb, Churchill Society of British Columbia
2018 Mr Stacy Terris, Churchill Society of Wisconsin
Presented periodically in recognition of excellence in writing or speaking about Churchill’s life and times and/or applying his precepts and values to contemporary issues among the English-Speaking Peoples. It is named for Emery Reves, Churchill’s literary collaborator, and sponsored by Mrs Wendy Reves in his memory.
1987 The Hon. James Courter for Defending the West
1988 Alistair Cooke for his BBC “Letter From America”
1989 Maurice Ashley for his books Marlborough and Churchill as Historian
1995 William Manchester for The Last Lion
1996 Jonathan Aitken MP for Nixon: A Life
1999 Sir Martin Gilbert for the magisterial official biography Winston S. Churchill and War Papers
2000 Richard M. Langworth for A Connoisseur’s Guide to the Books of Sir Winston Churchill and for Finest Hour
2001 Piers Brendon for his work as Director of the Churchill Archives Centre
2002 Geoffrey Best for Churchill: A Study in Greatness
2003 Fiona Reynoldson for Leading Lives: Winston Churchill
2004 Jon Meacham for Franklin and Winston
2005 Tom Brokaw for Lifetime Achievement in Journalism
2006 David Dilks for The Great Dominion: Winston Churchill in Canada
2007 Christopher Matthews for Achievements in Journalism and Speaking, including the Second Churchill Lecture, 2001
2009 Andrew Roberts for Masters and Commanders
2012 Barbara Leaming for Churchill Defiant: Fighting On, 1945-1955
2013 Paul Reid for Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill: Defender of the Realm, 1940-1865
2016 Dr Rob Havers
For excellence in the field of Churchill Studies.
1995 Professor James W. Muller of the Department of Political Science, University of Alaska Anchorage, for his distinguished research and writing on Churchill’s literary career, his organizing the Churchill Centre’s symposia in Washington, and his chairing of the Board of Academic Advisers
1996 Sir Martin Gilbert CBE, for his work on the Official Biography of Sir Winston Churchill and his many other contributions to Churchill Studies, Churchill on the Home Front
1997 Dr. Paul Addison, University of Edinburgh, for his outstanding study of Winston Churchill’s domestic political career, Churchill on the Home Front
1998 Professor Manfred Weidhorn of Yeshiva University for his books Sword and Pen: A Survey of the Writings of Sir Winston Churchill; Sir Winston Churchill, Churchill’s Rhetoric and Political Discourse; and A Harmony of Interests: Explorations in the Mind of Sir Winston Churchill
1999 Professor Warren Kimball of Rutgers University for his pioneering work on Churchill and Roosevelt
2000 David Stafford, University of Edinburgh, for his book Churchill and Secret Service
2003 John Ramsden, Queen Mary College, University of London, for his study of Churchill’s post-World War II career, Man of the Century
2004 Curt J. Zoller for the Annotated Bibliography of Works about Sir Winston S. Churchill
2005 David Reynolds for In Command of History: Churchill Fighting and Writing The Second World War
2007 The Lady Soames LG, DBE for “keeping the memory green and the record accurate” with Clementine Churchill: The Biography of a Marriage; The Profligate Duke: George Spencer-Churchill, Fifth Duke of Marlborough, and his Duchess; Winston Churchill: His Life as a Painter; and Speaking for Themselves: The Personal Letters of Winston and Clementine Churchill
2009 Richard M. Langworth for Churchill By Himself: The Definitive Collection of Quotations
2012 Ronald I. Cohen for Bibliography of the Writings of Sir Winston Churchill
2013 Sir Robert Rhodes James for Winston S. Churchill: His Complete Speeches
2016 Professor Peter Clarke for Mr. Churchill’s Profession
Established in 2003 to recognise the best contribution during the preceding four issues to the Society’s quarterly journal, Finest Hour.
2003 Professor Paul K. Alkon, University of Southern California, for his contributions to Finest Hour Number 119 on Lawrence of Arabia
2004 Larry P. Arnn, President of Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, MI, for his essay “Never Despair” in Number 122
2005 Robert Pilpel for his article “‘What an Extraordinary People’: What Churchill Owed the Great Republic” in Number 125
2006 Terry Reardon for his article “Winston Churchill and Mackenzie King” in Number 130
2007 David Dilks for his article “The Queen and Mr. Churchill” in Number 135
2008 Philip and Susan Larson for their article, “‘When You Care Enough:’ Joyce Hall and Hallmark’s Churchill Connection” in Number 137
2009 Col. David Jablonsky, USA (Ret.), for his article, “Preemptive Use of Force: The Churchill Experience and the Bush Doctrine” in Number 141
2010 Neville Bullock for his article, “Eye-Witness to Potsdam” in Number 145
2011 The Rt. Hon. Sir Martin Gilbert CBE for his four-part series on “Churchill and Intelligence”, issues 148-151
2012 Allen Packwood for his article, “How Young Winston Wrote and Made the News” in Number 152
2013 Hal Klepak for his article, “Cuba 1895, First Full Signs of the Man he was to become” in Number 159
2016 David Lough for his article, “Lord Randolph Churchill’s Legacy: Shares not Sacks of Gold”
2017 Edwina Sandys for her article in the winter 2017 issue of Finest Hour “A Day at Chartwell”
Presented in May 2004 to General Tommy Franks for his vision and bold leadership. Churchill believed soldiers deserved the best possible leadership and General Franks personified that ideal. The International Churchill Society encourages full debate on current events against the backdrop of Churchill’s experience. We intentionally organise our programs to illuminate different viewpoints on issues of importance and welcome Churchill’s critics as well as his admirers.
2015: Former Secretary of State Madeline Albright was presented with the Churchill Leadership Award in 2015 at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City. The award was given to Secretary Albright for her significant contributions to American foreign policy. In 1997, President Bill Clinton appointed Albright as the 64th United States Secretary of State–the first woman to hold the office and the tightest ranking women in the history of the United States at the time of her appointment. She remained in the position until Clinton left office in 2001. While in office, Albright represented the US in the transfer of Hong Kong from the British, steered Middle East policy and influenced the resolution of the war in Bosnia. Prior to serving as Secretary of State, Albright served as the United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations from 1993 to 1997.
2015: In December of 2015, the Winston Churchill National Leadership Award was presented to Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut. The ceremony took place in Freedom Foyer at the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C. with newly elected U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan presenting the award.
2016: At the 33rd International Conference in Washington, D.C. in 2016, President Dr Steve Knapp of the George Washington University was presented with Winston Churchill National Leadership Award. Steven Knapp is a specialist in Romanticism, literary theory, and the relation of literature to philosophy and religion.
Dr Knapp taught English literature at the University of California, Berkeley before serving as dean of arts and sciences and then provost of the Johns Hopkins University. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and a member of the Modern Language Association. Since his inauguration in 2007, President Knapp has been dedicated to building the stature of the George Washington University as an intellectual contributor to the solution of national and global problems.
2018: In 2018 at the 36th International Churchill Conference in Williamsburg, Virginia, the award was presented to Associate Justice Anthony M. Kennedy (ret.) Supreme Court of the United States in recognition of his devoted service to the United States, and his selfless support of the International Churchill Society.
2021: Special guest speaker at the 2021 London Conference was Arnold Schwarzenegger, 38th Governor of California, who was presented with the Churchill Leadership Award.
Presented in November 2007 to Secretary James A. Baker III and Congressman Lee Hamilton for their acts of collegial statesmanship, typical of the Churchillian principle of collegiality in political life, for bringing together a group of people representing a wide diversity of political beliefs to form the Iraq Study Group, which resulted in critical policy recommendations, many of which were implemented.
At the 35th International Conference in Williamsburg, Virginia in 2018, this award was presented to Mitchell B. Reiss, President and CEO, The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, in recognition of his outstanding diplomatic service to the United States, and his selfless support of the International Churchill Society.
2021 Paul Courtenay (presented posthumously)
2021 Professor James Muller for editing and the publication of a new edition of Winston Churchill’s The River War.
2021 Ron and Eleanor Luke
2021 Zac Du Boulay
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