September 11, 2015

Finest Hour 165, Autumn 2014

Page 26


When I was sent to Israel to be the British Ambassador, I was acutely conscious that navigating the present would require understanding the past. History hangs heavy everywhere, but in Israel it has an immediacy that I have rarely known. I have been blessed to have in Martin a wonderful and learned guide who also became a friend.

He has been a remarkable source of advice. On one occasion before taking up my post, I wanted to be sure of my ground on the vexed issue of the British government turning Jews from Nazi-occupied Europe back from the Mandate of Palestine. In his unique way, combining humility with humour and extraordinary command of detail, he took me by the hand through this minefield.

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He is a writer of huge breadth. I went to his books for the definitive overview of Israel’s history, and the story of Churchill’s relationship with the Jewish people. I have returned over and over to his atlases and essays.

I heard Martin’s distinctive speeches on numerous occasions, without grand flourishes or great cadences, keeping his audiences in rapt attention. He had an understated and diffident style which often left me feeling he was on the verge of running dry, only to answer every question with a great depth of knowledge and understanding.

He is a gentleman, and a mensch. I remember him at dinner parties, listening to the most fearful nonsense being spoken, serenely letting it wash over him rather than pointlessly and ungallantly getting into combat. I remember his infinite patience and great generosity, not only to me, but more impressively to all he met. Martin is regarded as highly in Israel as in the UK. He is one of those figures, and there are a few, whose names are known in both places, who have bridged the gap between the countries and brought them closer. He is a loyal citizen of Britain, and a true friend of Israel.

Matthew S. Gould CMG MBE is the British Ambassador to Israel.

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