January 1, 1970


The Rt. Hon. Sir Winston Spencer Churchill Society of British Columbia. The Society promotes interest in and education of the life, times, philosophy and literary heritage of Winston Churchill.

The International Churchill Society Canada

Churchill Society for the Advancement of Parliamentary Democracy, Toronto, Canada

The Rocky Mountain Churchillians, Colorado

2025 International Churchill Conference Washington, DC

2025 International Churchill Conference

Join us for the 42nd International Churchill Conference. Washington, DC | October 9-11, 2025
2025 International Churchill Conference

Visit this link for the The Rt. Hon Sir Winston Spencer Churchill Soc. of Vancouver Island and here for the Churchill Society of Vancouver Island Speaker’s Bureau.


Churchill Archives Centre at Cambridge University, England – Houses 3,000 boxes of letters and documents ranging from Sir Winston’s childhood letters to his last writings in retirement.

Churchill College at Cambridge University, England

Franklin Delano Roosevelt Presidential Library & Museum

Internet Archive of Winston Churchill’s Speeches and Radio Broadcasts


The Letters and Dispatches of John Churchill, First Duke of Marlborough (1845)

Sir Martin Gilbert CBE


The Winston Churchill Memorial in Fulton, Missouri.

The UK based Winston Churchill Memorial Trust awards grants to 100 British Citizens annually, from all walks of life, to carry out Traveling Fellowships overseas to the benefit of country, community and international goodwill.

The US Navy’s official site for DDG81, the USS Winston S. Churchill.


Blenheim Palace Churchill Exhibition

Churchill the Evidence – Online Exhibit at the National Library of Scotland

Churchill and the Great Republic is the online version of the exhibition that was on display at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., from February through June 2004.  The Churchill Centre produced and funded an accompanying publication and two symposia.

Churchill Museum at the Cabinet War Rooms

Imperial War Museum

The Museum of World War II, Boston, MA

Online Churchill exibit at pbs.org


Churchill’s birthplace and ancestral home of the Duke of Marlborough, Blenheim Palace.

Chartwell, Churchill’s home in Kent now owned by The National Trust and open to the public.


No. 10 Downing Street: Visit the official site of the Prime Minister. See History and Tour for a compelling photo tour of the residence of Winston Churchill during his years as Prime Minister

BBC’s Historic Figures on Winston S. Churchill.

The Canadian Based, Churchill Society for the Advancement of Parliamentary Democracy.


The Internet Archive has many audio recordings of Churchill speeches.


Bletchley Park: Learn about the top secret location in England where the enigma code was broken during World War II.

Churchill War Rooms in London, where Churchill and his government met below ground.

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