October 28, 2009

The 2010 NEH stipend for a three-week summer institute is $2,700.  It is expected that due to the costs of an overseas institute, your expenses may run somewhat more than the stipend.  We have made every effort to secure the most economical yet comfortable accommodations and meals.  With your permission, residential expenses will be deducted from your stipend in advance and paid to Churchill College and Goodenough College, and the remaining funds will be sent to you in advance to help cover travel expenses.
Books, materials, entrance fees, and bus transportation to planned group activities will all be provided to you at no cost.  As to your other expenses, we can only provide estimates.  Of course a major factor will be the prevailing exchange rate at the time of the trip.  The exchange rate for British sterling against the US dollar is presently at £1.00=$1.60.  It is impossible to predict what will be the exchange rate next summer.  Also, it’s too early to have firm airline costs at this writing; however, just as soon as you know whether you have been selected to attend, you will want to check for summer airfare specials.
Recognizing your need to have some idea about travel and housing expenses, we have put together some estimated costs solely as a guide.  We have worked hard to offer reasonable room and board.  Under no circumstances should these numbers be considered a guarantee.
Likely Actual Costs                  Likely Highest Costs

Air fare, round-trip,
(example Chicago to
London)                                      $1200                                      $1400

Cambridge double room
per person w/breakfast
(13 nights) @ ca. $62/night            $806                                        $806
London double room
per person w/breakfast
(7 nights) @ $109/night                 $763                                        $763
Lunch and dinner
@$35-$40/day                              $735                                        $840
Incidentals                                     $100                                        $300
TOTAL                                       $3,604                                     $4,109
A limited number of single en-suite rooms are available in Cambridge.  The cost of a single room will be about $101.00 per night.  In addition, you’ll need to allow for transportation to whichever port of departure you use.  You will also want to budget some spending money for weekly subway/streetcar passes, museums, sightseeing, etc.
The Value of the Learning Experience


2025 International Churchill Conference Washington, DC

2025 International Churchill Conference

Join us for the 42nd International Churchill Conference. Washington, DC | October 9-11, 2025
2025 International Churchill Conference

England is an expensive place to visit.  Thus, we are very much aware of the fact that this will be an expensive Institute, and that your costs will exceed the NEH stipend of $2700 (and may even exceed the rough estimates above).  We encourage you to think of it in this light, however: that for a relatively small investment on your part, in addition to the NEH stipend, you’ll be able to live and study at one of England’s finest universities at Cambridge; do research in the Churchill Archives Centre, using the actual documents that Winston Churchill wrote and handled; tour all of the major historical sites associated with this great man; and live and study in a major international capital.  In that context you’ll realize that this is a really great opportunity.  You may wish to explore with your principal, superintendent, or PTA the possibilities for a scholarship.

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