Before he passed away on 13 March, Stephen Hawking sent the following letter to the International Churchill Society. We publish this tribute from a great scientist to a great statesman in honor of both men.
CAMBRIDGE—Churchill was the right man at the right time for the right job to fight a very nasty disease spreading throughout Europe—Nazism and Fascism.
For this Churchill spared no expense for Bletchley Park to fund Alan Turing and his colleagues to break the enigma code and win the war. His support of scientific development in those dark years has carried forward positively into more enlightened times. We thank him for not giving up.
Churchill and I have a couple of things in common:
The team who made the film The Theory of Everything [2014] have made the feature film Darkest Hour [2017] on the life of Winston Churchill.
He was voted the Greatest Briton, and I was honoured to follow him further down the list of nominations.
Churchill won the Nobel prize for literature. Unfortunately, we do not have this in common!
We all should strive to have more in common with this great man.—Stephen Hawking
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