January 1, 1970

Finest Hour 178, Fall 2018

Page 05

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2017 Conference

KENT—Congratulations to all on another splendid conference. Getting Lisa Daftari to introduce Lord Dobbs as the Keynote Speaker was a true zinger. It took Dobbs five minutes to rise from the canvass!
—Randolph Churchill

FOLSOM, CA—Thank you all for the hard work you did on the Churchill Conference in New York. The program was topnotch with the speakers and events. My favorites included touring the Green-Wood cemetery and seeing the Jerome mausoleum, seeing the movie Darkest Hour at the Museum of Modern Art, and listening to the discussion between Celia Sandys and Lady Williams. I enjoyed all the speakers and especially Andrew Roberts. I can hardly wait until the publication of his Churchill biography next year.
—Beth Krzywicki

LOS ANGELES—I very much enjoyed Lew Lehrman’s talk on “Churchill, Roosevelt & Company.”  For me, it was the highlight of the conference. During the presentation, he made what appeared to be an off-the-cuff comment that I found most intriguing saying that history is defined as being “the sum of all things.” I thought that was absolutely brilliant, and I have thought about it since
—Michael Schwartz

2025 International Churchill Conference Washington, DC

2025 International Churchill Conference

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2025 International Churchill Conference

Mr. Lehrman responds:

NEW YORK—Dear Mr. Schwartz, I was most gratified by your letter. You may remember that when I defined history as being “the sum of all things,” I mentioned that it was Isaiah Berlin who summed up Churchill’s view of history in this way.

I confess I agree with Berlin and wish I had invented the phrase myself. I am not certain that Berlin was the first to use this expression, in referring to Churchill’s view of history, but I well remember that he did use it.

Andrew Roberts himself has said that he is gratified to be an historian because the greatest man of our era considered himself an historian (namely, Churchill).
—Lewis Lehrman

Coming in Finest Hour 179: Churchill at the Movies

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