November 7, 2017

Finest Hour 177, Summer 2017

Page 47

Important New Work by National Humanities Medal Recipient Lewis E. Lehrman

“Lewis E. Lehrman’s arresting and deeply researched study of the Anglo-American alliance during the Second World War brilliantly establishes how Roosevelt and Churchill … found and relied on the right people …. Rich in historical immediacy, Churchill, Roosevelt & Company demonstrates how generals, diplomats, spies, businessmen, economists, and other key figures served the needs of both Prime Minister and President in their unyielding defense of democratic government.”
– Prof. Richard Carwardine, Rhodes Professor of American History at Oxford University

“Lewis E. Lehrman demonstrates an almost uncanny feel for all the senior personalities around Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt during the Second World War; he understands their characters, viewpoints, and motives … coupled with an impressively objective judiciousness ….[the book is] well researched, well-written, and profoundly thoughtful …”
– Prof. Andrew Roberts, King’s College, London, author of Masters and Commanders and Storm of War.

“Lewis Lehrman’s Churchill, Roosevelt & Company offers a detailed look at the special relationship, especially during World War II, when Anglo-American cooperation achieved its most impressive results and faced its most formidable challenges. The book is packed with fascinating detail and illuminates not only the past but the challenges of the present day. The subtitle is Studies in Character and Statecraft: Mr. Lehrman makes it clear that, in geopolitics, the two go together.”
Arthur Herman, Pulitzer Prize nominee for Gandhi and Churchill (The Wall Street Journal Featured Review)

2024 International Churchill Conference

Join us for the 41st International Churchill Conference. London | October 2024

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Penetrating insights into character and historic role of:

Lord Beaverbrook
Industrialist and Newspaper Baron

Anthony Eden
British Secretary of War, Foreign Secretary

Dwight D. Eisenhower
Supreme Commander Allied Expeditionary Force

Joseph P. Kennedy
United States Ambassador to Great Britain

George Marshall
Chief of Staff, United States Army

and many more who forged the world in which we live today.

A tribute, join us




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