Winston Churchill, Parliament Square, London © Sue Lowry & Magellan PR
Finest Hour 153, Winter 2011-12
Page 56
Churchill Cartophily – Trade and Cigarette Cards
By Cyril Mazansky & Joseph Gerwood
Churchill’s exploits and lasting fame as a soldier, statesman and writer over nearly a century found him frequently pictured on commercial items. But surprisingly, what are referred to as Cigarette Cards and Trade Cards in cartophily have received scant attention among the vast variety of Churchilliana.
Since there is no official catalogue of individual Churchill cards or sets, this listing helps rectify the situation. While comprehensive, our catalogue does not profess to be complete. It consists only of known Churchill cards in the collections of the authors.
Churchill tobacco cards began in 1900, printed by Cohen-Weenen & Co. in London. The latest trade cards are the 2009 American issues by Upper Deck and Topps. Over the last fifty years, Topps issued several different cards, including one where WSC is disguised.
Churchill cards parallel his career, beginning when he reported the Boer War, and continuing until well past his death. An incredible number was issued between 1910 and 1920. Many tobacco companies used the same picture, varying only the written material on the back. Some cards are blank-backed, some have biographical information, and others are simply advertising for the company.
There is wide variation in the name and titles, from simply “Churchill” to “Winston S. Churchill, Winston L.S. Churchill” and “Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill.” Prefixes include “Mr.,” “Sir” and commonly “The Rt. Hon.” Suffixes include “P.C.” and “M.P.,” individually or combined. Posthumous cards often have carry the dates of his life.
Some cigarette firms and manufacturing or service companies issued identical sets. In cartophilic terms this is referred to as an “alike” series. Thus the same card will appear in different sets by various issuers.
Probably the most frequently issued set by the largest group of companies was the “War Portraits” series, mainly from 1914-15. Reference books list over eighty trade and cigarette companies using this same set, listed here under a separate heading.
On the other hand, there is one case where the same manufacturer (Wills) had two different issues for different types of cigarettes with the same name for the set: “Britain’s Defenders.” Wills’s “Scissors” was an export brand; Wills’s “Specialties” comprised the domestic brands Capstan, Vice Regal, Ribbon Cut and Pennant. The content of their sets varied, however.
A few sets included more than one Churchill card in the set. Several of the cards listed were not from a specific cigarette manufacturer or a recognized trade card set. They therefore do not have the specific catalogue information.
While these cards could be listed chronologically by date, this listing follows standard cartophilic practice by listing them by publishers alphabetically, sorted by last names.
Illustrations of Churchill on game and playing cards are not included in this listing. Churchill has also been pictured several times on two educational sets of cards. A set from the World War II era was produced by Panarizon Publishing Corporation (USA) in 1979-81. 81. A second World War II series frequently featuring Churchill is from Edito-Service S.A., Geneva, printed in English and published in 1977. The company may be familiar as a 1960s producer of certain Churchill books.
Churchill Sets
A&BC, 1965 (above): Fifty-five cards depicting Churchill’s life.
Mercator Vander Elst Cigar Bands, circa 1960s (back cover): Twenty-four individual bands illustrated with headgear portraits from 1909 to 1957.
Type Cards
“Type” is a cartophilic term meaning a single card, or a few cards from a set. These are individual cards showing Churchill from sets on various subjects. The first sentence of each entry contains the name of the issuer, the title if any, and the date of issue, if known. The second sentence gives the number and title of the card (when stated). The abbreviation “desc.” indicates that a card includes a description on either the front or the back.
1. A&BC: Battle, 1966. No. 66–Winston Churchill (desc.). See page 56.
2. Adkins & Sons: Notabilities, 1915. No. 6 – Rt. Hon. W.L.S. Churchill, P.C., M.P. (desc.).
3. Allen & Ginter (USA): Topps National Heroes, 2009. No. 32 – Britain, Winston Churchill (desc.).
4. American Tobacco Co. (USA): Boer War, Series II-B, 1902. No. 11 – Mr. Winston Churchill (desc.).
5. Anglo American Chewing Company/Anglo Bell Boy Bubble Gum, “Men of Progress,” post-1945. No. 29 – Winston Churchill (desc.).
6. Ardath Tobacco Co.: Empire Personalities, 1937. No. 11 – Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill (desc.).
7. WS (New York): Army-Navy-Air Corps, 1942. No. 615 – Prime Minister of England.
8. Barkers Bubble Gum: Famous People, 1961. No. 1 – Sir Winston Churchill (desc.).
9. British American Tobacco Co.: Britain’s Defenders, 1914. No. 3 – The Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill (desc.).
10. British American Tobacco Co.: Britain’s Defenders (blue front), 1915. No. 3 – The Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill (desc.).
11. As above (mauve front), 1915.
12. British American Tobacco Co.: Notabilities, 1917. No. 6 – Major W. L. S. Churchill P.C., M.P. (desc.).
13. British American Tobacco Co.: War Leaders & Scenes, 1916. Unnumbered – Winston S. Churchill 1st Lord of Admiralty.
14. British American Tobacco Co.: Historical Figures, second series, 1961 (desc.). Verso carries an advert for their Domino cigarettes.
15. British American Domino Cigarettes (Mauritius, in French): Figures Historiques, 2nd Series, 1961. No. 17 – Sir Winston Spencer Churchill.
16. British Heritage Ltd.: Second World War Posters from London Transport Museum, Imperial War Museum, Public Record Office, 1969. Unnumbered – “Let Us Go Forward Together. —Churchill.”
17. Brooke Bond Tea: Famous People, 1969. No. 29 – Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965) (desc.). Page 56.
18. Brooke Bond Tea: Queen Elizabeth I to Queen Elizabeth II, 1982. No. 42 – Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (desc.)
19. C.C.C. Face to Face: Politics, 1993. Unnumbered – Winston Churchill.
20. CardZ (USA): World War II, 1994. Unnumbered – Winston Churchill 1944 (desc.). See page 57.
21. Carreras Ltd.: Famous Escapes, 1926. No. 1 – Winston Churchill’s Escape From Pretoria, Dec. 12th, 1899 (desc.).
22. Carreras Ltd.: Notable M.P.s, 1929. No. 2 – Mr. Winston Churchill (desc.).
23. Cereal Foods: Famous People & Places, 1949. No. 27 – Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill (desc.).
24. Cohen Weenen & Co.: Celebrities (B&W), 1900. Unnumbered – Mr. Winston Churchill (250 subjects listed on back).
25. Cohen Weenen & Co.: Celebrities (B&W), 1900. Unnumbered – Mr. Winston Churchill (500 subjects listed on back).
26. Cohen Weenen & Co.: Boer War Celebrities, 1901. Unnumbered – Mr. Winston Churchill. See page 56.
27. Crefin Toffee: History in Color of World War II, c. 1950. No. 1– Churchill at Work (desc.).
28. Major Drapkin & Co.: Celebrities of the Great War, 1916. Unnum- bered – Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill (desc.).
29. Variant of card number 28 above: plain back of card without printed description.
30. ED-U-Cards: The Book of Knowledge, 1960. No. 13 – Winston Churchill (desc.)
31. Edwards, Ringer & Biggs: Boer War Celebrities, 1901. Unnumbered – Winston Churchill.
32. Eilebrecht Erzeugnisse (Germany): The Bombing of Toulon, 1950. No. 6 – Winston Churchill (desc.).
33. Fax Pax: Forty Great Britons, 1991. Unnumbered – Sir Winston Churchill 1874-1965 (desc.). Page 56.
34. Fry’s Cocoa & Chocolate: Rule Britannia, 1915. No. 7 – Rt. Hon. Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill M.P. (desc.)
35. Grolier: Story of America, 1994-2001. No. 17-7 – Atlantic Charter.
36. As above. No. 28- 8 – Yalta (desc.).
37. Nicholas Hall & Sons: War Series, 1915. Unnumbered – Rt. Hon. Winston S. Churchill M.P.
38. Hignett Bros. & Co.: Modern Statesmen, 1906. No. 5 – Winston Churchill (desc.).
39. Hokus-Pokus: Magic Photos, 1950s. No. 10 – Sir Winston Churchill Two varieties in English and German.
40. Hughes Biscuits: War Series, 1915. No. 3 – Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill (desc.).
41. Imperial Tobacco Co. (Canada): Notabilities, 1914. No. 6 – Major W.L.S. Churchill, M.P. (desc.).
42. Jacques Chocolate, 1956 No. 69 – Churchill (desc.).
43. Jermyn: National Heroes, 1975. No. 1 – Churchill (desc.). See p. 57.
44. R.J. Lea Ltd. Chairman Cigarettes War Series, 1915. No. 21 – The Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill (desc.)
45. Lever Bros. Ltd.: Celebrities (Black Border), 1905. Not numbered – Winston Churchill M.P.
46. Life Magazine, 1985. No. 169 -Winston Churchill Painting at Chartwell studio (desc.).
47. As above, No. 341 – Churchill & Truman (desc.).
48. Joseph Lingford & Son: British War Leaders, 1949. No. 6 – Winston Churchill (desc.).
49. Lyons Maid: Famous People, 1962. No. 1 – Sir Winston Churchill (desc.)
50. As above, but a manufacturing error: no text on front or reverse.
51. Madame Tussaud’s Museum: Historical Figures, post-1965. No. 42 – Winston Churchill (desc.).
52. Madriguera of Barcelona, Spain, 1918. Unnumbered – Guerra Europea …Winston Churchill (coffee and chocolate ad on verso).
53. Mars Confection: Famous Escapes, 1937. No. 1 – Mr Winston Churchill from Pretoria 1899 (desc.).
54. Meadow Dairy Co. Ltd: War Series, 1915. Unnumbered – Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill, M.P. (desc.).
55. J. Millhoff & Co.: In the Public Eye, 1930. No. 12 – Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill (desc.).
56. B. Morris & Sons: War Celebrities, 1916. No. 8 – The Right Hon. Winston S. Churchill, M.P. (desc.)(desc.)
57. M.P. & Co.: War Scenes, probably WW2 era. No. 119 – Churchill Decorating Commandos (desc.).
58. Muratti, Sons & Co. Ltd: War Series, c. 1916. No. 1 – Rt. Hon. W.L.S. Churchill (desc.).
59. Murray, Sons & Co. Ltd: Prominent Politicians, 1909. Unnumbered – The Rt. Hon. Winston S. Churchill M.P.
60. Murray, Sons & Co. Ltd: War Series (Series K), 1915 (reprinted 2000) Unnumbered – Right Hon. Winston S. Churchill P.C. M.P. (desc.).
61. Ogden’s Tab Cigarettes: Composite Tab Series, Leading Generals at the War, 1900-10. Unnumbered – Winston L. S. Churchill M.P. (desc.).
62. Ogden’s Guinea Gold Cigarettes: Boer War, Boxer Rebellion & Miscellaneous, 1901. Unnumbered – Mr. Winston Spencer Churchill (desc.).
63. Ogden’s Guinea Gold Cigarettes, 1900-10. Winston Spencer Churchill.
64. Ogden’s Guinea Gold Cigarettes: Set 75S (DD 1-DD 185), 1900-10. Unnumbered – Mr. Winston Spencer Churchill (desc.).
65. As above. unnumbered – Home from the War (group pix; desc.).
66. Pacific Trading Co. USA): WW2, 1992 No. 19 – Winston S. Churchill 1874–1965), British Prime Minister desc.).
67. P.C.G.C.: War Bulletin, 1966. No. 59 – Yalta Conference; No. 83 – Churchill Arrives for Potsdam (desc.).
68. John Player & Sons: Straight Line Caricatures, 1926. No. 14 – Rt. Hon. Winston S. Churchill, M.P. (desc.).
69. Godfrey Phillips Ltd: Great War Leaders II (silks), 1915. Unnumbered – Rt. Hon. Churchill.
70. Godfrey Phillips Ltd.: In the Public Eye, 1935. No. 53 – Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill (desc.).
71. Godfrey Phillips Ltd.: Personalities of Today, 1932. No. 5 – Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill, M.P. (desc.).
72. Proplan Inc.: Motto Board Game, 1987. No. 881 – Winston Churchill, former Prime Minister of England.
73. Rockwell Cards: World War II Posters – Morale, 2005. No. 1 – “Let Us Go Forward Together.” See page 56.
74. As above. No. 3 – “The Few.”
75. As above. No. 10 – “Deserve Victory!”
76. Shell: Great Britons, 1972. Unnumbered – Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965) (desc.). See p. 57.
77. Stamina Trousers (Australia), 1940s. No. 63 – Photo of WSC (desc.).
78. Teasdale Confections, c. 1914 No. 17 – Winston S. Churchill (desc.).
79. Timaru Milling Co., 1941. Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill.
80. Topps Cards: Look ‘n See Series, 1952. No. 64 – Winston Churchill.
81. Topps Cards: Hocus Focus, 1956. No. 65 – Winston Churchill.
82. Topps Cards: Foldies/Faces Series, 1962. No. 21 – Winston Churchill (desc.).
83. Topps Cards: Push-Pull, 1965 No. 3 – Roosevelt/Churchill (desc.).
84. Topps Cards: Distinguished Service, 2007. No. 26 – Prime Minister, Winston Churchill.
85. Topps Cards: Who Am I?, 1967 No. 37 -Winston Churchill, English Leader (desc.).
86. Trucards: World War II, 1970 No. 18 – Churchill (desc.).
Note: There are other Trucards series, including a card depicting a fighter jet on front and Churchill’s tribute to “The Few” on reverse.
87. Upper Deck: Prominent Cuts, 2009. No. 8 – Prime Minister Winston Churchill (desc.).
88. Upper Deck: Legendary Cuts: Famous People, 2009. No. 165 – Portrait of young Winston Churchill (desc.).
89. Upper Deck: Goodwin Champions, “Citizens of the Century, 1900s,” 2009. No. 10 – Winston Churchill (desc.).
90. Gum War Series, 1941. No. 15 – Winston Churchill (desc.). See page 56.
91. Weeties: Famous People & Places (Australia), n.d., probably WW2 era. No. 27 – Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill (desc.).
92. Henry Welfare & Co.: Prominent Politicians, 1911 (reprinted 2001). Unnumbered – Rt. Hon. Winston S. Churchill M.P. (desc.)
93. Westminster Tobacco: The Great War Celebrities, 1914. No. 4 – The Right Hon. Winston Churchill, P.C. (desc.).
94. Whitbread & Company Ltd: History of Whitbread Inn Signs, 1973 No. 24 – The Churchill (Churchill wearing top hat making V-sign).
95. Whoozit Trivia Card Game: People & Politics, 1985. No. 8 – Winston Churchill (desc.).
96. Wills (Havelock, Australia): Britain’s Defenders, 1915. No. 3 – The Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill (desc.).
97. Wills’s Scissors: Britain’s Defenders (red front with orange upright “Scissors” packet, red back), 1915. No. 3 – The Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill (desc.).
98. As above, with green upright “Scissors” packet.
99. As above, with red slanting “Scissors” packet.
100. Wills’s Specialties brands (Capstan, Vice Regal, Ribbon Cut, Pennant): Britain’s Defenders, 1915. No. 3 – The Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill (desc.) with the inscription “a Series of 50.”
101. As above, without inscription “a Series of 50.”
102. As #97 with green back, 1915, and the inscription “a Series of 50.”
103. As above, without the inscription “a Series of 50.”
104. Worshipful Playing Card Company, c. 1949. Prime Minister Receiving the Freedom of the City of London, 1943
War Portraits Series
The 1914-16 series “War Portraits” was prepared with the space at the foot of the back of the card blank for issuers to add their individual names, often in shades of brown differing from the original printing. Number 3 in the series depicts the same photo of Churchill and contains the same description on the back. At least eighty-one individual firms used this format:
201. Anonymous (space at back for firm’s name).
202. Art Picture Hall, Bury.
203. Assembly Rooms, Briggate, Leeds.
204. Baileys 5 o’clock.
205. S.P. Batten, Belvedere, Bath.
206. D. Gore Boodles (Dentist), Gloucester.
207. Boucher’s Firm.
208. Mr. Bowerman’s Dental Surgery, Leicester.
209. Canterbury Electric Theatre, Canterbury.
210. Carlton Picture House, Wakefield.
211. J.H. Clure & Son, Keighley.
212. J. Lomax Cockayne, Sheffield.
213. F. Colton, Jn., Reford.
214. Coppick’s Confectioners, Rugby.
215. W. Spence Culbert’s Pharmacy, Airdrie.
216. Derbyshire & Son, Sweets & Fountain Head Tea, Nottingham.
217. Henry Dillon’s Clothing Stores, Falkirk.
218. J. A. Droney, Ince, Hindley, Pltt-Bridge & Wigan.
219. Dunn’s Reliable Footware.
220. Eddison, Drighlington.
221. H. Eddowes, Draper, Leek.
222. R. H. Edwards, Axebridge & Winscome.
223. The “Elite” Picture House, Bradford.
224. The Empire, Heanor.
225. F. Gennari, Ltd., London.
226. Graveson, Mexboro.
227. The Globe (Amusements), Selby.
228. Nicholas Hall & Son.
229. “Happy Life” Self-Raising Flour.
230. R. E. Heap, Hanley.
231. Geo. H. Hibbs Drug Store, Perth.
232. Hillabys’ (Chocs) Ltd.
233. Hippodrome, York, Prop. T. Bowman.
234. “Hope Hall” Cinema.
235. Hughes & Co., Ltd. (Biscuits), London
236. Jones & Sons, (Tea and confectionary), Grantham.
237. Richard Kennedy, Dundee.
238. The “Kino,” Clay Cross.
239. C & J Law, Hertford.
240. C. Lees, The Empire Cinema, Mossley.
241. The Lime Street Picture house, Liverpool.
242. Londesboro’ Theatre, Scarboro’ Macclesfield, Picturedrome Ltd.
243. Wm. M’Kinnell, Edinburgh.
244. Norris’s “Gem” Pictures, Skipton.
245. Parodi (Wine Mchnts.), Tooting.
246. The Palace, Haslingden
247. Partridge Hatter-Hosier, Leek.
248. The Picture House, Harrogate.
249. The Picture House, Keighley.
250. The Picture House, Leeds.
251. The Picture House, Low Moor.
252. The “Picturedrome,” Bath.
253. Prince’s Hall, Shipley.
254. The Princess Picture Palace, Townsend, Barnsley.
255. The Queen’s Theatre, Nelson.
256. F. W. Randall & Co. (Shoe Repairer), Maidstone.
257. Rayward’s Stores (Tea & Coffee), London.
258. Regent Hall Pictures, Nottingham.
259. Alfred Rooks, Dalston.
260. Rooney Bros., Belfast.
261. Royal Pavilion.
262. The Royal Picture House, Cradley Heath.
263. Royal Picture House, Nottingham.
264. St. George’s Hall, Bradford.
265. Sefton Picturedrome.
266. Sheards, Records, Rotherham
267. Skipper (Outfitter), E. London.
268. J. Smith & Son, Luton.
269. Smithies (Elder Flower Balm), Elland & Westview.
270. “Solite” Self-Raising Flour.
271. A. Stevenson, Middleton.
272. C.&T.A. Stevenson, Manchester.
273. Tetley & Sons, Ltd., Leeds.
274. Themans & Co., Manchester.
275. The Town Hall, Shirebrook.
276. William Townsend & Son (Shoes), Heckmondwike.
277. Webb & Rassell, Reigate.
278. Whate’s.
279. Wilson & Co., Ely.
280. W. Wilson, Birmingham.
281. T.E. Yeomans & Sons, Ltd., Derby.
Certain cards are not a part of recognized sets and defy classification:
301. Pre-1910, entitled, “Winston Spencer Churchill Esq., M.P.”
302. Circa 1914 London Daily Mail War Album. A large card with photograph of Churchill in uniform with medals captioned, “The Rt. Hon. Winston Spencer Churchill, First Lord of the Admiralty.”
303. Pre-1916 Canadian. “The Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill, First Lord of the Admiralty, Great Britain,” on the front; reverse back.
304. 1916 Cuban, possibly in the series La Guerra Europea. Front titled “Excmo. Sr. Winston S. Churchill.” Obsequio de Susini. No. 827.
305. Circa 1920 strip card entitled, “Winston Churchill, Lord of England.”
306. 1940s Big Three. Probable game card with a picture of Churchill, FDR and Stalin at a conference.
307. 1940s Fleet Aircraft Limited, Canada. Churchill on the front with statement, “Buy War Savings Certificates Regularly.”
308. 1940-1949 Worshipful Playing Card Co. with description “The Prime Minister receiving the Freedom of the City of London, June 30th 1943.”
309. Undated, Bryant & May Ltd., published by Imperial Publishing Limited, London. Drawing of WSC.
310. Undated, German, unknown date, portrait of Churchill speaking.
311. Unknown date or publisher, numbered 790. Probable game card. Full-face photograph of Churchill.
312. Mid 1980s, Famous Faces series, no. 10, untitled image of Churchill issued in the mid-1980s.
313. 2011, Dr. Who television show trading cards. Two feature WSC, portrayed by the same actor. The show titles are “Monster Invasion” and “Top Trumps Specials.” See http://www.doctorwhomi.com/cards/.
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