Winston Churchill, Parliament Square, London © Sue Lowry & Magellan PR
Each quiz includes four questions in six categories: contemporaries (C), literary (L), miscellaneous (M), personal (P), statesmanship (S) and war (W), easy questions first. Can you reach Level 1?
Level 4:
1. Where did Churchill propose to Clementine on 11 August 1908? (P)
2. American advertisement: “__ tastes good, like a cigarette should.” what tastes good? (M)
3. Churchill wrote his mother on 10 November 1895: “…the first class men of ___ are in the counting houses and the less brilliant ones in the government.” To which country did he refer? (M)
4. In which speech did WSC say: “I take up my task with buoyancy and hope. I feel sure that our cause will not be suffered to fail among men”? (S)
5. Duff Cooper said the press conference on 30 January 1941 had been a success. WSC rejoined: “…starving mice appreciate a Stilton cheese when it is set before them.” Who were the starving mice? (M)
6. “No lover ever studied the whims of his mistress as I did those of ___.” To whom did WSC refer? (M)
Level 3:
7. Which of WSC’s broadcasts ended with “Good night then: sleep to gather strength for the morning. For the morning will come…Thus will shine the dawn. Vive la France!”? (S)
8. Who said: “If I were young and handsome as I was, instead of old and faded as I am, and you could lay the empire of the world at my feet, you should never share the heart and hand that once belonged to John, Duke of Marlborough”? (L)
9. To whom did WSC write of war in September 1909: “what vile & wicked folly & barbarism it all is”? (W)
10. Who said of Churchill in the House on 16 August 1945: “His place in history is secure”? (C)
11. In which speech did Churchill say: “But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age…”? (W)
12. How old was WSC when he dictated a letter for the first time? (P)
Level 2:
13. To whom did Churchill refer when he once told the South African High Commissioner, towards the end of the Second World War, “___ and I are like two old love-birds moulting together on a perch, but still able to peck”? (C)
14. 20 August 1940: “Let it roll on full flood, inexorable, irresistible, benignant, to broader lands and better days.” What is “it”? (S)
15. Who told Churchill in January 1941 that he planned to quote the following words to Roosevelt when he returned to America: “Whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge; thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God,” adding “even unto the end”? (S)
16. Of which Churchill book did a New York Times reviewer write in 1901: “In considerable degree, Mr. Churchill is qualified to do serious military writing”? (L)
17. “His pain in giving up his great command was acute. He would much rather have given up his life.” Whom is WSC describing in Great Contemporaries? (C)
18. In which year did WSC say in a speech that the British have taken for themselves the motto: “Business carried on as usual during alterations on the map of Europe”? (W)
Level 1:
19. “You might as well eat a porcupine one quill at a time!” —19 April 1943. WSC was commenting on the plans to recapture which country? (W)
20. What prompted Winston to write to his mother from Winnipeg in January 1901: “Edward VIIth—gadzooks what a long way that seems to take one back!”? (C)
21. Which eminent Frenchman, elected to the Académie Française in 1966, once said: “I love English. I learned it from the speeches of Winston Churchill.” (L)
22. When did WSC first say he intended to be Prime Minister? (P)
23. Why did Winston use the name “Junius Junior” when writing letters to The Harrovian? (L)
24. Who was Churchill’s London
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