Winston Churchill, Parliament Square, London © Sue Lowry & Magellan PR
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No one lives forever, and it is time to begin thinking about the future of Finest Hour, the Chartwell Bulletin, and the other publications we love so well. We seek someone with a driving interest (encyclopedic knowledge is not required) in the entire Churchill saga (not just WW2), the wisdom he offers, balanced understanding that he was not infallible, and the joy of communicating his words and deeds to future generations.
An assistant editor should be a good wordsmith (though we have wonderful proofreaders who often save us from ourselves), familiar with desktop publishing applications. (Ours is Quark Express.) We seek a proven ability to meet deadlines (often one a month), and a long-term commitment. These are the essentials. This is a paid position, and the pay will increase as the assistant does more. We do not anticipate any sudden changes, rather a gradual drift toward new hands who will carry on for a long time. Thus, applicants should be in their fifties or younger! Contact the editor, ([email protected]) or tollfree at (888) 454-2275. References and resumes are requested.
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