April 25, 2015

Finest Hour 117, Winter 2002-03

Page 15

From: Captain Mike Franken, USN
To: Editor, FH
Seems the ship put Chris to bed.

From: Lcdr. Mike Elliott
Executive Officer USS
Winston S. Churchill (DDG-81)
To: Pat Hanger

We just returned from our operations south and I wanted personally to let you know we executed a Burial at Sea for First Lieutenant Christopher Thomas Hanger, U.S. Army.* The weather was immaculate and the seas were very supportive of the event. Additionally, the crew was very receptive to this particular service, because they all knew it was being performed for an individual who had ties to the ship and her namesake.

I wanted this ceremony to be special for Chris and his family so we performed it as the sun was setting off the starboard quarter. It could not have been a more serene setting.

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The portion of the ceremony with the 21-gun salute and playing of Taps came off smartly, and I am sure that all who witnessed this ceremony would agree that it was truly honorable and in keeping with the traditions of the sea. Everyone who participated was moved, as was I.

The crew join me in sending our deepest respects and prayers to the Hanger family. May God bless you.

*Chris Hanger, longtime contributor to this magazine and activist Churchillian, died battling against cancer late last year (FH 113:8). His many friends are grateful to the crew of DDG-81 for this moving ceremony.

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