June 1, 2015

Finest Hour 108, Autumn 2000

Page 51

Thirty years ago at Woodstock, Oxford, the Churchill Study Unit, predecessor to ICS and The Churchill Center, issued its first commemorative cover, marking WSC’s 95th birthday. The cachet was rubber stamped and copies were sent to each of our thirty-four members. What better way to mark that anniversary than to issue another one on the 125th? This beautiful design is by our ever-faithful Dave Marcus, still our cover producer after three decades. Covers are free to members on the covers list, but you must write to be put on. To do so, send your Finest Hour mailing label to Dave Marcus, 3048 Van Buskirk Circle, Las Vegas NV 89121. Leftover covers are sold to support the covers programme. They cost $3 each from Churchill Stores (address page 2).

Churchill in One Sentence

Herewith more reader entries in our contest to describe Churchill in one sentence of 50 words or fewer. When a reader sent multiple entries we chose the one that seemed to us the most unique and compelling. The winner will be announced later. Are there any more entries?

“His crowning triumph was his stand against tyranny, but he packed his life full from beginning to end, a shining example of how to wring the most from our allotted span: personality, writer, soldier, statesman, he embraced and excelled in all his many roles.”

“Bright and humane, a believer in the liberty of the individual, with a remarkable facility for forecasting threats from tyrannies, he was a dedicated minister, war leader, strategist and writer: enthusiastic, rarely misguided, an influential statesman of courage and magnanimity.”

2025 International Churchill Conference Washington, DC

2025 International Churchill Conference

Join us for the 42nd International Churchill Conference. Washington, DC | October 9-11, 2025
2025 International Churchill Conference

“He said we must all strive to rise to the level of events; but it may be fairer to say of him that his greatness shone brightest when events rose to the level of his personal genius and courage.”

A tribute, join us




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