October 30, 2023

The World of Churchill Collectables: Porcelain Basket


This month’s column features a rare porcelain basket featuring Prime Minister Winston Churchill in it’s bowl. The Tuscan Company has manufactured fine bone porcelain in Stoke-on-Trent for more than two centuries. This piece, however, was manufactured by a short-lived subsidiary, Tuscan Decoro, which manufactured patterned pieces from 1923 to 1944.

The transfer image of Churchill is unique and only a few styles of Churchill-related pieces can be attributed to this company. This piece was made between 1940 and 1944 to commemorate Churchill’s first premiership. It measures six inches wide and stands five inches tall. If you see one of these Churchill pieces made by Tuscan Decoro, know it is quite rare and desirable.

Brian Krapf’s forthcoming book A Churchill Treasury: Sir Winston’s Public Service through Memorabilia will be published in January 2024.

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