October 19, 2010

By Nigel Guest, Acting Chairman

We are delighted to report that a new branch of The Churchill Centre (UK) has been formed by a group of volunteers at Chartwell. Mr Randolph Churchill has accepted our invitation to be our first President of the new chapter. We intend to hold four meetings a year and make a special emphasis of bringing the life and times of Sir Winston Churchill and the principles for which he stood to a younger generation.

Although formed by volunteers from Chartwell, membership is open to all those interested in Sir Winston as well as all existing TCC members. Meetings are planned to be held both at Chartwell and a venue in Westerham, Kent, and it is hoped that international TCC members will make themselves known to us when visiting Chartwell and should their visit coincide with one of our meetings they would be very welcome guests.

We will shortly have a “Blog” site running as well as an intended place on ‘Facebook’ and ‘YouTube’. Please watch for notification here in Chartwell Bulletin for news as our plans develop.

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