Toronto, 10 May 2010
A “Full House” of 140 members and guests of ICS Canada attended the Annual Dinner of the Society, on the 70th anniversary of the day in 1940 when Churchill became Prime Minister.
The Head Table included the guest speaker Richard Langworth, the founder of ICS/The Churchill Centre and editor of Finest Hour magazine, who was accompanied by his wife, Barbara, the publisher of the magazine, and was piped in by a member of the Lorne Scots Infantry Regiment of the Canadian Army.
Society Chairman Randy Barber opened the proceedings, welcoming the attendees and thanking the members of the Dinner Committee who had done such an outstanding job.
After a sumptuous dinner, Society Vice Chairman Terry Reardon introduced the Guest Speaker by commenting on how Richard came to be a Churchillian. It was while watching the Funeral of Winston Churchill on television on 30 January 1965 and being moved and impressed at the outpouring of respect and admiration. This led to the forming of the Churchill Study Group and the launching of the Finest Hour magazine.
Richard gave an enlightening and amusing Power Point presentation, with extracts from his latest books, Churchill by Himself and the definitive Wit of Winston Churchill. Memorable Churchill quotes which especially amused the audience included – “Bernard Shaw: Am reserving two tickets for you for my premiere. Come and bring a friend – if you have one. Churchill: Impossible to be present for the first performance. Will attend the second – if there is one. Also “Politicians are like diapers: they both need to be changed often and for the same reason.”
Richard was thanked for his memorable presentation and presented with a framed copy of the plaque in Toronto City Hall Square, entitled Churchill, Toronto & Canada, with the famous Karsh photograph. Richard was also awarded the Society’s annual “Award of Merit and Recognition” for his lifetime achievement of keeping Churchill’s memory alive and his record green.
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