June 22, 2023

The Marie of Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, Jean-Francois Dieterich, does the honors.

SAINT-JEAN-CAP-FERRAT, FRANCE—On June 16 the International Churchill Society and the village of Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat unveiled a new statue of Sir Winston Churchill in the scenic town on the French Riviera that Churchill enjoyed for its “paintacious” views of the Mediterranean coast.

Designed by artist Paul Rafferty, this is the first significant statue of Churchill depicting him as an artist. “After completing my book Winston Churchill: Painting on the French Riviera,” said Rafferty, “I wanted to mark his painting locations physically. A standard plaque felt insufficient, and I desired to go further by creating this sculpture.”

The statue was made possible through generous donations by International Churchill Society (ICS) Chairman Laurence Geller CBE, the Rubin Foundation, Churchill Heritage, and the town of Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat. The life bronze represents Churchill as he appeared when standing at his easel, including the Stetson that Churchill liked to wear when painting. The location of the statue is where Churchill painted the French coast.

More than 250 people attended the public unveiling, preceded by a presentation on Churchill’s paintings by Paul Rafferty and ICS Chairman Laurence Geller CBE. ICS President Randolph Churchill, Sir Winston Churchill’s great-grandson, and ICS Senior Vice-Chairman Jean-Paul Montupet, also spoke at the ceremony. The Marie of Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, Jean-Francois Dieterich, an ardent admirer of Churchill and enthusiastic supporter of the project, presided over the ceremony.

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During his remarks, Randolph Churchill said, “Churchill declared that he would devote his first million years in paradise to mastering the art of painting. Now we know where to find him, sitting at his easel in the most beautiful spot on the French Riviera, talking to passers-by and joining us today to celebrate his love of painting and France!”

At a time when statues of important historical figures are under attack, ICS is proud to reaffirm the reputation of Sir Winston Churchill through its involvement with the creation of this beautiful new statue that commemorates Churchill’s favorite pastime in one of his favorite locations. Please consider making a donation to ICS to help us continue our mission of ensuring that Churchill’s legacy remains relevant now and in the future.

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