June 30, 2020

The International Churchill Society is excited to announce the winners of the “Inspire Like Churchill” competition that began in April. Entrants from around the world were invited to write or deliver an inspirational speech of hope in the spirit of Sir Winston Churchill in response to the current global challenges. Each winner will donate their prize money to a frontline health organization, hospice, or hospital of their choice.

More than 600 entries were received from across five continents. After an initial screening conducted by judges representing Britain, France, the United States, and Canada, a selection of finalists was passed to the Prize Committee under the chairmanship of Randolph Churchill, great-grandson of Sir Winston. Also serving on the committee was Celia Sandys, one of Sir Winston’s granddaughters and author of Chasing Churchill. The two members of the Churchill family were joined by Sir David Cannadine (President of the British Academy and author of Churchill: The Statesman as Artist), Andrew Roberts (author of the best-selling Churchill biography Walking with Destiny), Erik Larson (author of current Churchill bestseller The Splendid and the Vile), and Candice Millard (author of Hero of the Empire).

“The judges had a hard time choosing the winners,” said Andrew Roberts, “as the quality of the entries was exceptionally high.” “One thing that struck us forcibly,” he continued, “was the way that Churchill clearly still inspires people from so many diverse ethnic backgrounds from all over the world.”

Originally there was to be one prize for first place, one for second, and two for third. In the end the Prize Committee decided to split the first prize award resulting in five prize winners overall.

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First Prize: (Tie) $5,000 each


Zac Du Boulay, United Kingdom

Watch Zac’s winning entry HERE.

Zac has chosen for the prize money to go to the famous Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children in London.

Delilah Morales, New Jersey, United States

Read Delilah’s winning entry Here.

Delilah has chosen for the prize money to go to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City

Second Prize: $2,500

Aaryan Khanna, Chislehurst, United Kingdom

Aaryan has chosen for the prize money to go to Princess Royal University Hospital in Kent.

Third Prize: $1,500 each

Michael Robert Rouse, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Michael has chosen for the prize money to go to St Paul’s Hospital Foundation of Vancouver.

Lisa Kenney, Manchester, United Kingdom

Read Lisa’s winning entry HERE.

Lisa has chosen for the prize money to go to Blue Skies Hospitals Fund of Blackpool.


“With the recent 75th anniversary of VE Day, where we were able to say thank you to the Few that remain of that remarkable generation,” Randolph Churchill. “It was thrilling that the International Churchill Society used this as an opportunity to inspire a new generation. Those of us on the Prize Committee were brought to tears by some of the entries. The results are as original, thrilling, and varied as the palette of paints Sir Winston used to fill his own vibrant canvasses.”
While not every entry could receive a prize, many of them will also be shared on the International Churchill Society website and social media platforms in the days to come.

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