Sir David Cannadine
Join us at the Royal United Services Institute in London with historian and author Professor Sir David Cannadine.
This event is being held live in-person and begins at 18:30 GMT on Wednesday, 13 March 2024.
Professor Sir David Cannadine is Dodge Professor of History EMERITUS at Princeton University, a Visiting Professor of History at Oxford University, and the Editor of the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. He served as President of the British Academy from 2017 to 2021, IS A FORMER Chairman of the Trustees of the National Portrait Gallery, and is the Deputy Chairman of the International Churchill Society. He has written MANY books on THE HISTORY OF BRITAIN AND ITS EMPIRE, AND BIOGRAPHIES OF G.M. TREVELYAN, MARGARET THATCHER, KING GEORGE V AND ANDREW W. MELLON. HE IS CURRENTLY COMPLETING A HISTORY OF THE FORD FOUNDATION. He was knighted for his “services to scholarship” in 2009.
Royal United Services Institute
61 Whitehall
London SW1A 2ET
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