17 April 2024

Hosted by the National Churchill Leadership Center.

Join Lee Pollock and ICS Executive Director Justin Reash as they discuss Winston Churchill’s study of the American Civil War.

Half American himself, Winston Churchill was fascinated from childhood with our greatest conflict, the Civil War. He visited the war’s battlefields, analyzing its main events and leading personalities, from Abraham Lincoln to Robert E. Lee.

Churchill’s understanding of the Civil War deeply influenced his view of the United States and its people and of the nature of war itself. Always interested in the “what might have been” of history, one of his most intriguing articles was entitled “If Lee Had NOT Won the Battle of Gettysburg.”

2024 International Churchill Conference

Join us for the 41st International Churchill Conference. London | October 2024

Join us for this discussion with Lee Pollock, Director and Senior Advisor to the Board of The International Churchill Society, as he explores Churchill’s fascination with the Civil War and what it reveals both about his own view of history and about the War itself. Moderated by ICS Executive Director Justin Reash.


Lee Pollock is a historian, writer and public speaker on the life of Winston Churchill. His articles have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, the New Criterion, American Purpose and the Daily Beast, and he has been featured on CBS, the BBC and other media outlets. Lee has spoken about Churchill at venues ranging from the U.S. Congress, the Pentagon and the Supreme Court to leading universities, museums, and clubs throughout the country.

Lee is a Director and Senior Adviser to the Board of The International Churchill Society and previously served as its Executive Director. He is a graduate of McGill University and holds a master’s degree from the University of Chicago. He is a Fellow of America’s National Churchill Museum and a recipient of the Churchill Society’s prestigious Chartwell Award.

Lee’s forthcoming book is Action This Day: Adventures with Winston Churchill.

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