January 1, 1970

21st Century Statesmanship – what can Churchill teach us?

Churchill is still inspiring today’s leaders and statesmen and women. The Churchill 21st Century Statesmanship Programme is being led by the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust and will run throughout 2015. Various prestigious organisations will host global-strategic themed panel discussions, to try to explore the skills that are required of statesmen and women in the 21st century.

Under the Patronage of former UK Prime Minister Sir John Major and the Chairmanship of Lord (George) Robertson (former Secretary General of NATO), the panels will report back to a major conference at London’s Guildhall on Friday 23 October 2015. This will be attended by representatives of government, academia, business and the armed services who will join together with young people – the leaders of tomorrow – to explore key strategic issues. Topics will include:

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