May 31, 2013

Finest Hour 116, Autumn 2002

Page 35

BY CURT ZOLLER ([email protected])


In large numbers, readers have requested that we provide Trivia answers with each column (but not on the same page, preserving the option to test your knowledge). Herewith last issue’s questions, with the answers on page 40.

Twenty-four questions appear each issue, answers are on page 40. Categories are Contemporaries (C), Literary (L), Miscellaneous (M), Personal (P), Statesmanship (S) and War (W).

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1255. Whom did Churchill replace as First Lord of the Admiralty in 1911? (C)

1256. What was Churchill referring to when he wrote in My Early Life, “One must not yield too easily to the weakness of audiences….They had asked for it and they must have it.” (L)

1257. What was WSC’s code name on the return journey from the Casablanca Conference in February 1943? (M)

1258. What was Clementine Churchill’s maiden name? (P)

1259. On 13Augll, Churchill sent the Committee of Imperial Defence a prescient strategic memo: about what? (S)

1260. Who was Director of the Industrial Intelligence Centre, informing Churchill of Germany’s economics and rearmament in the 1930s? (W)

1261. Who was the first head of “Combined Operations”? (C)

1262. What did Lady Soames entitle her book containing her parents’ correspondence with each other? (L)

1263. The 18th century House of Commons snuffbox was destroyed in an air raid on 10 May 1941. What was Churchill’s replacement? (M)

1264. How many Prime Ministers held office during the time Churchill was out of office from 1929 to 1939? (P)

1265. In September 1940, Churchill asked Admiral Sir Roger Keyes to prepare Operation “Workshop”—with what objective? (S)

1266. In 1920, the Treaty of Sevres established a neutral zone around the Sea of Marmora. What was Churchill’s opinion on retaining the Gallipoli Peninsula? (W)

1267. Who replaced Roger Keyes as head of “Combined Operations” in 1941? (C)

1268. What are the two rarest Churchill books? (L)

1269. In December 1901, Churchill said he would forego his mother’s annual allowance. How much was it? (M)

1270. In 1897 Churchill “surveyed this prospect with the eye of an urchin looking through a pastry cook’s window.” To what did he refer? (P)

1271. When did Churchill say, and what was the result of his saying, “No Socialist system can be established without political police…. They would have to fall back on some form of Gestapo—no doubt very humanely directed in the first instance.” (S)

1272. At the Admiralty in WW2 Churchill proposed blocking shipments of iron ore to Germany from Sweden and Norway from which two ports? (W)

1273. Of whom did WSC say in 1951, “He takes his place among the great Foreign Secretaries of our country”? (C)

1274. How early did Winston consider writing a biography of his father? (L)

1275. To whom did WSC refer to when he said, “If you wanted nothing done, [he] was the best man for the task.”? (M)

1276. When did Churchill first enter Parliament? (P)

1277. To deceive the Germans the British enlisted Michael Howard, a British double agent codenamed “Snow” by the British and “Johnny” by the Germans. What reason did he give the Germans for working with them? (S)

1278. After many disappointments, what was the first successful effort by “Combined Operations”? (W)


(1255) Reginald McKenna, who had served as First Lord of the Admiralty from 1908.

(1256) Churchill was told to speak about 15 minutes at his first public speech, but his talk was bound to last over 20 minutes.

(1257) “Mr. Bullfinch.”

(1258) Clementine Ogilvy-Hozier.

(1259) WSC’s 1911 memorandum forecast almost to the day the military timetable of the 1914 German invasion of Belgium and France.

(1260) Major Desmond Morton.

(1261) Lt. Gen. Sir A. Burnes was appointed to head the forerunner of “Combined Operations.”

(1262) Speaking for Themselves.

(1263) A snuffbox from the Marlborough collection at Blenheim Palace.

(1264) Three: Ramsay MacDonald 19291935, Stanley Baldwin 1935-1937, and Neville Chamberlain, 19371939.

(1265) Operation “Workshop” was a plan to seize the Italian island of Pantelleria.

(1266) “In no circumstances could we allow the Gallipoli Peninsula to be held by the Turks.”

(1267) Lord Louis Mountbatten.

(1268) Mr. Brodrick’s Army and For Free Trade.

(1269) £500.

(1270) Churchill was considering where to give his first public (political) speech.

(1271) Election broadcast of 4 June 1945. Many people said it cost him the election.

(1272) Lulea, Sweden and Narvik, in Norway.

(1273) Ernest Bevin, in a broadcast on 17 March 1951.

(1274) In 1899 Churchill wrote to his mother, “I am interested in the cutting about Papa’s biography.”

(1275) Arthur Balfour.

(1276) Churchill entered Parliament as Tory MP for Oldham on 14 February 1901.

(1277) According to British Intelligence in the Second World War, Howard explained to the Germans that he was a fanatical Welsh nationalist.

(1278) Admiral Keyes’s successsful landing on the Norwegian Lofoten Islands, which destroyed a fish-processing plant.

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