By Terry Reardon
TORONTO, November 9th – An “Evening with Sir Winston” was held in the historic Albany Club. Chairman Randy Barber updated the members and guests on the upcoming events including the Churchill Centre Conference in Charleston, and that he was working on having a “blockbuster” speaker for the annual dinner to be held, on May 10, 2011, the anniversary of the day in 1940 when Churchill became Prime Minister.
The speaker for the event was Dr. Eric McGeer, who holds a PhD from the Université de Montreal and teaches at St. Clements School in Toronto. Dr. McGeer is an authority on the WW2 Italian Campaign, with books published including Ortono & The Liri Valley and Sicily & Southern Italy.The subject of his talk was “Claiming the Lion’s share: Churchill, Alexander and the Gothic Line,” wherein he talked of the major battles in which 93,000 Canadians served. He spoke of the importance of the Campaign, although the United States, gave it low priority. Their strategy being a more direct assault in Southern and Northern France. In answering questions Dr. McGeer opined that Churchill’s intent to give high priority to the Campaign, in order to use this as a springboard into Eastern Europe, to occupy territory from the advancing Soviet army, was impractical, in view of the mountainous terrain they would have had to overcome.
Eric was thanked by Director, Cliff Goldfarb, for a most interesting and informative presentation.
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